This research work is an attempt to examine the role of traditional institution in contribution to nation building with emphasis on Ankpa traditional council. The institution in spite of its age-long relevance is gradually falling into irrelevance oblivion. This is as a result of the widespread belief that the institution no longer relain with the grandeur, mystery and reverence that characterized it in the olden days. Data for the study were generated from both primary and secondary sources. The instruments of primary data utilized include questionnaire and interview method. The secondary sources utilized include published literature i.e textbooks, journal, newspapers, internet etc. and unpublished materials i.e project research thesis etc. The  findings of the study reveals that in spite of the seaming opposition and criticism on our tradition institution in our polity, the survey hold that there exists a large room for the accommodation of the traditional institution as a stabilizing factor. Finally, Recommendations that could foster the betterment of the society by which the traditional institution can be accommodated to discharge its role effectively to achieve the objectives of the nation building.




1.1     Background to the Study

In this day and age when role expectations are varied and numerous; with the discourse on nation building gaining currency, questions are being asked as to the relevance of traditional institutions in nation building. As the wind of democracy blows across the globe, and with the near unanimous subscription to its ideals such questions become more particular. And in this our own time of democratic revolution with all sorts of political instability moving from one security failure to the other as in the case of the Niger Delta militants under the cover of movement for the emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND), the political manipulated Islamic ideology in the North Eastern part of the country called the Boko Haram and all other intra and inter community ethnic mitia that found their root in the indigenous soil of Nigeria. The above assertions corroborated with Siraju B. Abdulkarim, Yusuf (2014). Attention is therefore centered on the role of these traditional institutions in a democracy.

It is however, pertinent to clear the web of confusion surrounding the meanings of, and the workings of democracy and traditional institution. Different schools of thought do, in fact exist and share diverse opinion on the relationship between democracy and traditional institutions. The more radical schools hold that democracy is best able to deliver when it is devoid of all monarchical trappings. The conservatives think differently. Holders of these different views have adduced reasons to justify their positions. Be that as it may, this researcher would like to put it to us that the role of traditional institutions may vary and certainly will depend on the interpretation that is given to democracy; bearing in mind that different forms of democracy do in practice exist across the world.

The age long definition of democracy which is more or less philosophical holds that “it is a government of the people, by the people and for the people”. The political scientists say that democracy is all about popular election.

Democracy is generally believed to be the best form of government; but is democracy really synonymous with good government? The Libyan Government under col. Muammar Qaddafi was by no accepted standard a democracy but Libyans in few years before the brutality that led to demise of their leader held that they enjoyed better government than most so-called democratic society. In Nigeria, the example of this was unfolding during the Murtala/Obasanjo regime of 1975-1976 before the brutal killing of the charismatic military leader on the 13th of February, 1976, he was a military man in uniform. We can easily recall that Rome was not a democracy, at least, by modern standard but the Romans evidently ruled the whole world in better, just and egalitarian spirit that is obtained in most modern day democracies. The emperor himself was even a military warrior (Oba of Benin 1998)

In talking about traditional institution*” reference is made to the institutions of traditional rulership and all its appendances. It is a fact which cannot be rebuffed, that each of the personalities now somewhat loosely referred to as “traditional ruler” is the embodiment and custodian of his community’s customs/traditions and tradition is the bedrock on which any kind of modern development or civilization is built. It is a fact of history that traditional rulers of proven integrity have distinguished themselves as nationalists fighting tooth and nail to salvage the sovereignty, territorial integrity and to uphold their society cultural heritage by means of which they seek to promote a peaceful, stable society. If only traditional institutions would remain what we expect them to be, then they are certainly indispensable even in democracy. (Oba of Benin1998)

To the extent that we recognize that nation building is a Herculean task whose magnitude only very few realize; as consisting not only of technological development and the setting up of all kinds of modern structures, accumulating an almost inexhaustible supply of the most sophisticated and deadly weapons, the ability to defend the frontiers of a nation, a high percentage of literacy, control of buoyant economy. Attempt at a meaningful nation building must all-encompassing taking in all and sundry and this must of necessity include our traditional institutions.

The fundamental Objectives of traditional institution is to protect, preserve and promote the culture of its people and by so doing enhance human dignity and identity of the people of the area.

This research work is an attempt to present a critical analysis of the significance of traditional institution in a democratic setting using the experience that is obtains in Anpka Local Government Area of Kogi State as a case study.

1.2    Statement of the Problem

The researcher is challenged to take up this area of study because of the widespread debate on the position of the traditional institutions in nation building in recent times.

Ankpa traditional council has numerous roles to play as regards nation building in an emerging democracy like Nigeria. The institution has been guided by certain rules and regulations as enshrined in the code of conduct. Also, the kogi state government plays a guiding role in ensuring orderliness, peace and stability. Yet, the institution of

Traditional rulers in Ankpa have been bedeviled with tremendous setback over the years. They have been despised and subjected to all forms of contemptuous treatments. They have been charged with mediocrity and sometimes non-performance. All these and numerous other accusations have worked to reduce the relevance of the traditional institutions in our society. Yakubu (1996).

The bane of the traditional institution in Ankpa Local Government Council of Kogi State, in the main, can be said to be inter and intra dynastic conflicts. Something of a house divided against itself. This single factor accounts for the loss of potency and influence of many, a traditional ruler. Intra family mistrust and betrayal lay many royal homes vulnerable to neglect and ridicule. The dramatic deposition of H.R.H, Col. Hassan Yakubu, the Ejeh of Ankpa II lends credence to this assertion. (eye witness)

Many traditional rulers in Kogi state are poverty- stricken and dependent, especially, on Government establishment and invariably, we have a situation of he-who-pays-the-piper-dictate-the-tune. Conveniently, the traditional rulers become our scape goat.


1.3     Research Questions

This research work attempts to provide answers to the following questions as highlighted below:

  1. To what extent does the role of traditional ruler affect the nation building?
  2. What is the impact of Ankpa traditional council in socio-economic development as it affect the nation building?
  3. What are the challenges hindering the Ankpa traditional rulers in contributing to nation building under a democratic setting?

1.4   Objectives of the Study

The primary objective of this study is to streamline the role expectations of the traditional institutions with the actual role thrust upon them as a result of social dynamics. Other specific objectives include:

  1. To examine the Ankpa traditional institution and its age-long innate roles.
  2. To find out the role of Ankpa trdaditional council in nation building in democratic Nigeria
  3. To find out the impact of Ankpa traditional council in the socio economic development
  4. To examine the obstacles hindering Ankpa traditional council from contributing to national development under democratic system of government.


1.5      Significance of the Study

This work, rather than being a mere academic exercise, is expected to be of benefit to Governments, the traditional rulers, and institutions and persons with interest bordering on the traditional institutions.

It is the researcher’s expectation that all the tiers of Governments in the country will use the findings of this work to formulate and re-formulate policies that can well accommodate the traditional institutions; as well as pave way for an unalloyed discharge of their natural duties to the nation.

It is equally hoped that the illumination of this work will lead the traditional rulers to rededicate themselves to their calling by shunning greed, sycophancy, insensitivity and self aggrandizement.

In as much as there is need for participation by all and sundry in the effort of nation building the internal affairs ministry and its agencies may fetch alternative strategies from this work in dealing with the problem of the traditional institutions.

This work is also meant to serve as a source of secondary data to students and future researchers with interest in their area of study.


1.6      Statement of Hypotheses

This study is designed to ascertain the truth or otherwise of the stated hypotheses both the null hypotheses are as stated below:

  • Ankpa traditional institution has no role to play to nation building in democratic system of government.
  • The role of Ankpa traditional institution has not impacted on the socio economic development of the area.

1.7   Scope and Limitations of the Study

This work is meant to examine the role of traditional institution in nation-building under a democratic dispensation. It will not deal on the position of the traditional institution as it affects other forms of government, or the way the traditional rulers relate with their subjects.

It is an exercise meant to analyse the role of the traditional institutions in the nation-building efforts of a developing nation from (2010-2014). Other limitations encountered include insufficiency of finances necessary to acquire enough logistics support for a thorough investigation on the subject matter at hand.

1.8     Methodology

We collected data from the structured questionnaires and were quantified in word and numerical form to facilitate measurement. The data was later displayed in the form of tables indicating frequencies end percentages.

1.8.1  Sources of Data Collection

In the course of data collection both the primary and secondary source were used. The main Research instruments used in this study for data collection are the questionnaire and interviewing, which are both primary source of data collection. Books and journals were also read and consulted and these form the Secondary source.

This questionnaire designed was of both the open ended and close ended questions type. All the questions are intended to assess the pros and cons associated with the existence of traditional rulers in a democratic dispensation  as obtained in Nigeria today to also realize the objectives of this study as stated in chapter one.

Structured interviews have also been conducted with the respondents this became necessary in order to exploit the latent advantage of making respondents fill vacuums created by the questionnaire and detect answers that are not correct. It was also borne out of the need to enjoy the latent benefit of knowing the respondents heart-felt opinion on the point at issue.


1.8.2  Population of the Study

The target population of this study includes the chiefs(Amonu), Royal Councilors, clan heads and beaded chiefs that exist in the Ankpa  traditional-political settings for integration and generalization, other chiefs in neighbouring communities were incorporated into the analysis of the study. The total population of the chiefs and traditional ruler gathered were seventy(70).


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