Job creation in the country has been a national concern, considering the high rate of unemployment which affects virtually everybody either directly or indirectly, but those who are unemployed bear the pain of the situation. Unemployment has become a nation problem which every responsible government will want to solve. It is in light of this that the researcher has decided to survey the impact of Entrepreneurial Development in Kaduna North local Government will help in creating Jobs opportunities to the unemployed in the society. The major objective of the research is to identify the ways of creating job in Kaduna North Local Government which will reduce the rate of unemployment state which will also reduce the rate of dependency in the society, the researcher adopted basically secondary and primary as his source data to draw conclusion. Base on the finding lack of employment have make people to go into Entrepreneurship, activities, the recommendation include government should make policy that will encourage Entrepreneurial activities which will lead people to start new business which serve as a means of creating jobs for they Entrepreneurs and the unemployed which will reduce the rate of unemployment in Nigeria and the female should be encourage to participate in Entrepreneurial activities.



1.1 Background to the Study

The dream of a nation like Nigeria which will like to come out of economic instability, independence and stagnation cannot and need to compromise the need for a nation to have a dynamic and a sound economy is justified if one becomes interested in one of the factor that can be geared towards the realization of a strong and virile economy.

In a dynamic business environment where entrepreneurs are fast becoming complex, there is a need for entrepreneur to have technical knowledge and be competent, is the way that job creation can be achieve. The duty of an entrepreneur is to create something new with value by devotion of time and effort assuming the company, financial, psychological and social risk and receiving the resulting reward of monetary and personal satisfaction and independence. Developing entrepreneurial skills is a key strategy to create job which will reduce the rate of unemployment, and will create employment to the society which will also developed the rural dwellers.

Job has been dramatically created through the introduction of entrepreneurship development, when individuals venture into new business the most need hand that will help them produce this good and services to the society

Entrepreneur has been recognized as an important element in the dynamics of modem economies, many business, small and medium have become the major source of new job creation. They have made great contribution in introducing valuable new products and keeping the economy competitive in the world market.

In the economic nothing best as economic independence. There is thus the need for one, be it a nation or an individual to have qualities like self- reliance free from the fear of being economically intimidated. Some may take the excitement associated with risk taking, inherent in the drive towards the realization of their qualities to be worthwhile. Add all these to the ultimate satisfaction of possible success, there is no doubt as to the pivotal role of entrepreneurship in self- sustenance and nation building.

In view of the above assertion there is need for entrepreneur to stand up to the challenges of the twenty first century (2 1St Century) in the field of building the economy. Especially in the global trend, other fields of human endeavours, such as science and technology are equally important and should be made with zeal, determination, resources and energy, the need is with health economy objective like economic diversification, self-reliance, freedom from negative foreign interference in nation economy and policies, increase employment opportunities, increase in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and ultimately increase in wealth, political stability and the prosperity of a nation

can be attained. The experience of develop economic in relation to the role played by entrepreneurship buttresses the fact that the importance of entrepreneurship cannot be overemphasized especially among the developing countries. Entrepreneur has been referred to as the “sources of employment generation” that to a great extent entrepreneur has been able to create job for the growing population of this nation. Because looking at the timing population in Nigeria. Nigeria account for 15 per cent of Africa population with the total population of over or above 160 million .so entrepreneurship to a greater extent will create job opportunities thus playing Centre and invaluable role in helping Nigeria realize its aim for creating job for it timing population.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

One of the fundamental predicament facing the nation as a whole is problem of insufficient job opportunities for it citizen the problem is more pronounced when one considers the annual discharge of graduate and school leavers from our higher institution of learning after completion of their studies, it has become almost impossible for government to devise means to solve the problem of job creation can be increased to a maximum. It is against this background that the Natural Directorate of Employment (NDE) was established in 1987 with the aim of responsibility of designing and implementing programmes to combat unemployment.

This study, will therefore attend to investigate into the problem, prospect and challenges of entrepreneurial development in reversing the competition and globalization.

1.3 Objective of the Study

  1. To identify the major causes of problem encountered by young school leaver in finding job (employment).
  2. To examine the problem of entrepreneur development and suggest ways to curb them.
  • To identify way of creating jobs in Jama’a local government area and how to reduce the rate of unemployment.
  1. To identify the need for prospective entrepreneur to came into business.
  2. To identify and encourage prospective entrepreneur.


1.4 Research Question

In line with the problem above, the following question are arise

  1. How does entrepreneurship develop in job creation?
  2. Is there any relationship between entrepreneurship development and job creation in Nigeria?
  3. What factors are responsible for entrepreneurship development on job creation in Jama’a Local Government in Kaduna State?

1.5 Statement of Hypotheses

In line with the statement of the problem above the following hypothesis have been formulated to guide the research work:

Hypothesis I

Hi. There is no relationship between entrepreneur and job


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